Projects in Progress
Kasr El-Aini Main Blood Bank Development Project

WOTE aims at, through its major project, developing Kasr El-Aini Main Blood Bank to control blood distribution in hospitals and to eliminate blood waste rates. It also aims at ensuring blood conservation and transferring the same in a safe manner from the Blood Bank's units to different units of Kasr El-Aini, through upgrading the infrastructure of the blood bag release units and linking the same to all branches of the Blood Bank, so as to ensure proper functioning and blood sample coding. Thus, the release of blood bags will be safe and maintained, released and retained blood bags can be traced out.

In this vein, the Foundation will upgrade the blood donation units and the synthesizing unit by providing the same with necessary devices, equipment and refrigerators, which will raise the rates of the strategic stock of blood products to all Kasr El-Aini Hospitals.

Development of the Operation and Kidney Unit of Abul-Reesh Mounira Hospital
On the other hand, WOTE will initiate the upgrade and establishment in the third phase of developing the operations in Abul-Reesh Mounira Hospital, which consist of the lecture hall, the ICU and the Kidney Transplant Unit, and will renovate and equip the same with the latest modern medical equipment and technologies.

Increasing WOTE Support to Medical Supplies of Hospitals
Due to increased needs of the Brain and Neurology Unit and the Cardiac Catheterization Unit of Abul-Reesh Japanese Hospital and patients' load, the WOTE decided to increase the provided support to reach 600 valves a year.

*    Cardiac Surgery Unit (Sohag University Hospital):

In an important step towards eliminating waiting lists in the pediatric surgery department at Sohag University Hospital, We Owe it to Egypt Foundation is now considering the development and equipping of the infrastructure for the operation rooms and intensive care unit in the hospital. We Owe it to Egypt Foundation  also plans to equip and provide the devices, equipment and supplies necessary for its operation, as more than 300 cases of heart surgery per month depend on this unit, and due to the lack of capabilities required to perform these operations, waiting is required for more than 3 months.

*    Pediatric Cardiology Intensive Care Unit (Assiut University Hospital):

We Owe it to Egypt Foundation is now working on the development and establishment of an intensive care unit for children, due to the hospital's need for it, as there is no private care unit for children in Assiut Governorate, provided that this unit conforms to international standards, and contributes to the elimination of waiting lists of children in Upper Egypt.

This unit shall also be equipped with the latest medical devices, an ultrasound device, and an endoscope for the endoscopy department that conforms to international medical specifications.

*    Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital (Al-Qasr Al-Ainy):

The Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital in Al-Qasr Al-Ainy serves the women in Cairo free of charge, as it provides them with services around the clock. The institution is now considering the preparation and rehabilitation of 4 dilapidated rooms to increase the availability of receiving many of the waiting list patients.

*    National Cancer Institute (Middle Building):

We Owe it to Egypt Foundation is considering the replacement and renewing of the middle building, as it has not been developed since it was established, and all the developments that occurred before inside it were partial, and it suffers from worn out infrastructure and irregular distribution of medical activities inside it, and this building contains the departments of the pharmacy, as there is still a dilapidation of the infrastructure and the irregular distribution of medical activities inside it. This building contains the departments of the pharmacy, chemotherapy transfer, CT scan, bone marrow transplant laboratories and the experimental surgery unit..

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